It has been a long time coming but it is finally here. Evolved Fights Lesbian Edition has launched and will be updating every Wednesday. I think I owe an explanation to fans of Lesbian Wrestling as to why it took me so long to launch this site. As many of you know, I was directing for’s Ultimate Surrender series. In May of 2017, I was told by Kink that they no longer wished to sponsor ( produce) exclusive wrestling shoots such as ultimate Surrender. They also had no desire to sell me the rights to Ultimate Surrender in order for me to take it over and continue it. I wasn’t given any information about what their plans were for any wrestling content. I was not told if they were going to take a break from it or have someone else direct it or if they were permanently shutting it down. They merely told me they no longer wished to update Ultimate anymore. Kink did, however, express interest in licensing my mixed wrestling content. You may have seen some of my mixed wrestling stuff on their platform and I hope you have enjoyed it. I was hesitant to produce my own lesbian wrestling content if Kink was shutting down their very popular and successful site. While I was an employee at kink, I was well aware of how successful the wrestling shoots were, however, after they laid us off, I no longer had information into the financials. It would seem as if the shoots may not have been selling as well for one way or another however I had no insight into it once I was not an employee. All I could assume was that Kink had experts working for them to make their decisions that were hopefully based off the proper metrics and if THEY couldn’t make money from lesbian wrestling then I wouldn’t be able to make money either. I figured that they must have some insight into numbers that I didn’t’ have and that their experts would do what’s financially viable for them. I needed to gather my own information in order to be 100% certain about my next steps. I took my time doing test shoots and test marketing for MY lesbian shoots. I wanted to collect data to make sure the ROI would be worth my while before I committed to launching a full site. Over the course of a year’s time, I gathered enough information and found that there was still a huge demand for lesbian wrestling content. This is based on my own marketing ( who knows, maybe my marketing for wrestling surpasses the experts at Kink in this genre) All I know is that I was able to find a paying market for Lesbian wrestling. Now I just needed to save up money to get enough Matches for a launch.
I am personally funding all my wrestling projects. I tapped into my retirement fund to get the money to start the wrestling sites. Each shoot costs me thousands of dollars to produce. The costs include paying for the talent, Paying for my hotel and travel to Las Vegas to film, Camera equipment, lighting equipment, studio maintenance, insurance, business maintenance ( payroll or accounting services ), utilities, crew services ( videographer/photographer), marketing, processor fees, and website maintenance. These things add up. I know there is some misconception about porn. I think many people think it is simply pulled out of someone’s ass and magically appears on the internet with no policing or law to adhere to. I know we make it look easy but porn really is a business like any other business. We have to abide by rules and regulations and we end up paying a lot more than any other business in doing so because we are what is considered ” high risk”. We are high risk because porn of volatile and has a reputation for being unprofessional. to Paraphrase, I pay a shit ton of money to make the smut you want. Having 1 site was a lot of work for me. I am a skeleton crew. The site doesn’t make much money. The site currently covers cost and then a little more. But it’s not causing me to live the lap of luxury. I am very lucky to have side gigs outside of porn that allows me to live a good lifestyle. I also have a life partner who does very well so stress is relieved greatly from that income. The funding for a whole stand-alone Lesbian Edition of my Evolved Fights concept was going to take some time. I had a handful of fans offer to partner but what when they send an offer in they were willing to pay me pennies for me to do all the work while they expect all the reward. I think this comes down to the misconception people have about what it takes to legally and morally produce porn. It took me since November of 2017 to save up to get the matches for the Lesbian Edition. I also was able to save a little money by staring in some of the matches myself rather than having to pay a performer. I decided to upload 2 of my custom videos as well. These are scripted matches. One was a catfight with Bella Rossi, the other was a squash match with Alexa Nova.
My thinking is to be able to expand my roster of female wrestlers by incorporating a handful of “Scripted” matches. I had several models, during my years of booking Ultimate Surrender, decline to shoot competitive wrestling. They did not feel safe for one reason or another. These same models would work with me on other projects what were scripted or choreographed. I would like to be able to work with all models. It was always heartbreaking when a model declined work for the competitive matches because I knew I would not be able to ever book them. I will use these scripted matches from the launch to gather more information. I am also currently running polls in the member area of the site to see how many of you like the scripted matches. I’m an information freak so I love to make my decisions based off you, the fans, rather than my personal preferences. I am not too proud to admit that I have had fans make suggestions that I thought would be terrible only to try the suggestions out and find out I was 100% wrong and the fan was 100% right. But I have also had a few suggestions turn out to be terrible and financially devasting. With great risk comes great reward. The only way to get the proper information is to actually try the suggestion. I hope this shows you how dedicated I am to this genre. You may not be an Ariel X fan, I get that I’m not for everyone, but please respect that I doing my damnedest to keep the genre thriving and I am putting personal time, money and energy into making the content for the fans!
I also need to explain something about the most recent update with me and Bella Rossi. If you go to the site, the most recent update is a match with myself and Bella Rossi with Penny Barber as the ref. I really really wanted Bella vs Penny barber. I paid to fly the models in, everything was set to go. The models tested, the models showed up, everyone did what they were supposed to do. Everyone on set that is. The test facility where Penny got tested did not mail her samples in on time. Her test did not come back in time for us to do this wrestling shoot. She was unable to perform sex acts while the test was pending. I know this is a bummer. I know someone is thinking ” Ariel is so cheap she didn’t want to pay for Bella vs Penny” no no no that’s not the case at all. I had the models there ready to go but without a test, we can’t shoot. So I jumped in last minute to get a match so Bella Rossi didn’t lose out on a shoot. I hope you can appreciate the real Behind-the-Scenes information about this production. There is always a reason for what I do. I will eventually get Penny and Bella back in for their match but I need to save up more money on those damned expensive flights!!!!! Side note: Penny’s test did come back in time for me to be able to shoot her for the latest submissive x shoot with me, Bella And Penny check it out here
without further ado, Please check out my sites and for mixed wrestling