Life out of a Suit Case
I’ve been living out of a suitcase pretty much for a week now. I flew into San Francisco to shoot a really amazing scene with Gia Demarco for Hogtied on Friday the 20th. Immediately after that shoot I flew into Vegas to work with I have been flying back and forth between San Fran and Vegas for various jobs. I’m not complaining but it’s taken a toll. I think this week I have set a new record for myself on how many matches I have shot in a week. I believe I’m at 23 already. 17 was my record when I went to London. All the matches shot for were competitive. I’m not nearly as sore as I thought I would be, definitely not as bad as went to London but then again, I am not traveling 18 hours in a day either.
Tonight I’m staying at a crappy hotel in Oakland, preparing for a small, private tournament that will take place in the Bay Area tomorrow. I’m ready to kick ass but I’m also very ready to go home. Tomorrow’s tournament isn’t the last thing on my list for this week yet. I still have a tag team match for Ultimate Surrender this Friday the 27th. It will be live online so please check it out. It is to be my first tag team match since my surgery and my partner is the lovely Beretta James ( who I destroyed in this week’s update). Thank GOD she’s my team mate and not my opponent. I’m sure she’s “gunning” for me after what I did to her LOL…get it…Beretta…gunning ha hah….okay I’m tired and delirious give me a break sheesh!!
I’m sitting in this dingy hotel room with the heater on and it made me soooooo happy that I could control the heater. The last week I was bunking with several other people and I like to be a good guest so I don’t like to just barge in and make things the way that only I like it. So I kept myself warm with big socks and jackets cause I know I always get cold and I didn’t want the rest of the crew to suffer in a hot hotel room.
I have decided that I really really really really hate sharing a place with a roommate. I hate having to pretend I’m a tidy traveler casuse I’m not. When I’m on the road I like to toss my crap everywhere and leave it there until I see fit. At my home I am very clean but on the road I have no desire to keep a hotel room tidy but I don’t like to be a complete slob in front of a roommate. So I was forced to not spread my belongings all over the condo/hotel and NOT leave stuff laying around and this I did not like. So tonight I am in my very own room and my stuff is tossed in as many regions of the room as I could find and it some how feels really good. The Heater is blasting and I am not bundled up in big socks or a jacket. I’m watching Netflix on my laptop and I don’t have to wear flipp’n headphones!!!! If I have to travel and be away from my family, I think I like it best when I’m alone sigh…I got it off my chest. There it is.
Just a few more matches and a few more days of being tied up and molested by hot chicks for my training of O shoot. sigh. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will finally be back in my own, tidy home Feb 4th. I have been shooting from 9am til 1am some days. I’ve been busy folks. If I’m not active on the blog for a while or on facebook or twitter or even responsive via email it’s cause I’m flippin tired…end of story.