Well I’ve had a full week. This week alone was one of the craziest weeks I think I’ve ever had. I’m going to tell you small parts now and then I’ll fill in the details later with full blogs on my work. Friday Aug 14th, I did an amazing shoot for Triangle films and I did my scene with the amazing Renee Perez. I have worked with Renee before, long long ago. We did a photo shoot for Matrix content and then did the bubbathe love sponge radio show together where we kinda sorta played around but not really. So this was my real first time “doing it” withher :). She’s a very sexy girl. She knows how to pose, she’s got a body on her that’s all natural and sexy as hell. She makes eye contact in bed and if you’ve been reading my blog you know how much I love me the eye contact. Those Triangle gals always know how to set me up with hot gals. I was also very excited because Clair Adams and Syd Blokovichwere on set and I got to watch Syd put a huge dil into her b-hole!!! whoa…what a way to start out the weekend no?
After working on set with Renee I had to hurry over to WestlakeVillage to have dinner withmy guy and his old pal who was coming from out of town. Dinner was great but it’s so hard to be the outsider. We were having dinner with 6 people 4 of the 6 people were long time buddies who talked about stuff that happened before I was born. Of course I love hearing when about my boyfriends life as a youngster but I certainly don’t give a shit about his friends’ childhoods…I know, I’m an asshole. It was so hard to sit down for 2 hours and listen to his friends talk about themselves and then we got up and I thought ” great we are going home” but no we got up to stand up for another hour and all the boys continued to talk about themselves LOL…guys are so funny. 🙂
Needless to say I was pretty pooped by the time we got home and I passed out, sans sex…WTF. The next say, Aug 15thwas a big day for me. I was wrestling for Robin for her Live event AND my guy and I were hosting a Swinger’s party at his house. I had to work in the afternoon ( more details about Robin’s even later) then I to rush home to the party at my guys house. The swinger party was a huge success but it was a nightmare. My BF likes his house kept a certain way. He really shouldn’t have parties but he loves to entertain so he does it anyway. We had 300 people at the house that day. It was insane. Well needless to say with that many people, there were a lot of drunks walking around and a lot of people effed up on other stuff as well. You see I don’t do drugs, I drink a little but I do hugs not drugs. People under the influence are really annoying to sober people!!!! I was sober and I felt like I was baby sitting people all night. Getting people water so they didn’t pass out, force feeding people so they didn’t pass out…holding drunk people up so they could walk straight!!! WHAT A NIGHTMARe. To top the night off, a good friend of mine took too much shit and started convulsing. It was pretty frightening and then he passed out and I stayed with him, making sure he was breathing, making sure he wasn’t choking on vomit or his tongue….for 4 hours I stayed withhim ( til 5 am), holding ice on his body so he wouldn’t overheat until he woke up. To this day I am very angry withmy good friend for scaring me. I couldn’t talk to him for several days because I was so angry withthe feelings I was dealing with.
But life moves on. …
Tuesday comes around and I’m at my folks house putting in hard wood floors with my 2 brothers and my mom comes in and announces that the family dog has died. Oh hell. We had that dog for 8.5 years. She was my dad’s life. What shitty news.
Then a couple hours later we get a call from my sister who has gone into labor…..we have a new family member!!! SAY WHAT…our dog dies but we get an angel from my sister!!!
Wednesday I went to my girlfriends house to check up on these session wrestling matches gals are doing. I was curiousl how things went. I actually had a blast. I might start doing them. So the wrestling went great but afterwards I go have lunch, the go back to my friends house and without thinking open her gate that has 4 dogs behind it and wouldn’t you know it one of them bit me….The dog bit is fine but get this..I had to get a tetanus shot because I have a puncture wound and I haven’t had a shot in 18 years so I get the shot and it makes me sick as a dog. I’m talking nausea, diarrhea, fatigue…I haven’t felt so bad since….well ever. Turns out it runs in my family, my dad and sister also have bad reactions to tetanus shots.

Thursday and Friday I was in Riverside with my sister and my new Niece. My sister’s husband finally was able to take leave from army duty ( he was in afghanistan). My poor sister has been stressed without anyone to really help her so I went to stay with her for a few days until her hubby got back. Finally This weekend I got some me time!!!\I’ve rested up and I’m back to blogging…I’m sorry to keep y’all waiting.