AEE 2011, AVNs
So it’s taken me this long to finally blog about my trip to Vegas for the AVNs. I went up for only one day. I drove in Friday night…Slept at Dia Zerva’spad and got up the next day to walk around the show. I didn’t work a booth or anything. I really just wanted to go to check out who was there…what vendors were there and try to schmooze with people about the credit card processing crap I working with my ex on. It was money well spent. I got to check out the booths and see my girlfriends and I didn’t have to sit behind some stupid desk and pretend to really care about the guys who wanted to take pictures with me so they could try to feel my ass. I could come and go as I pleased…no was awesomeness.
I only stayed at the show for about 2 hours because lets face it, I’ve seen everything and know everyone there so what the hell do I need to stay at a convention for. None of the owners i wanted to talk to were there, they hired models to work the booths so they could actually enjoy Vegas. I didn’t attend any of the parties that any of the companies threw. I’m working so much I just don’t know how to have fun’s sad. 🙁 so much debauchery going on right under my nose and I didn’t do or see any of it…bah humbug.
The highlight of my trip was seeing Dia and Syd Blakovich. Syd and I went to Randy Couture’s Gym to train. We just happened to show up on a day they were having an open house. So we were able to take an MMA class and then roll on the mats together just for fun. I think I feel in love with Syd that day. What an intense workout that was…seriously working out turns me on like nothing else. I get so horny when I’m with someone who pushes me to my limits…I think it’s because i get frustrated and being frustrated has always made me horny. Alas…Syd left me with blue balls.
After rolling at the gym, I had to hurry up and get ready for my hot date for the AVN awards show, Dana Dane. Dana had been nominated for some AVN’s for her directing and producing so she asked me to go as her date. I was honored to grace the red carpets with her…however. I was so freakn’ tired from my workout with Syd that I didn’t want to stay for the awards show. We did the red carpet and then I went back to Dia’s for and R & R. I left her house at 6am to drive home so I could do a Cam show…such is life. I wish I had more exciting stuff to blog about…some juicy sex or something…but I’m just still bummed about my break up and things with work have been crazy..I am so quiet and focused on work…and money..I’m a big fan of money LOL.Money never lets me down or turns me away..Money never gives me attitude and when I have a hot wad of cash with me…the ladies love me 🙂
Dana did forward me some pix she got from her cell phone..what a sweetie!! thanks Dana.