backed up on Blog Material
I’ve been working so much that I haven’t had time to blog about all the amazing women and companies with who I’ve been working.
Where do I start.
I really hate mushing all these together into one blog because each scene really does deserve it’s own blog but I simply can’t do it. I have had a very exciting year so far and everyday something pops up I want to blog about. I will be blogging about most of my wrestling stuff on my new blog site . Of course I will blog about that good stuff here as well but I will go into much more detail on that site as well as provide reviews on scenes I watch. The site also has a forum which is free to sign up and post on so please check it out.
So that’s the first bit of news I wanna talk about.
In other news….I did 2 scenes for Triangle films recently. It’s been a while since I have been able to work with those talented film makers. They had a lot of exciting things happening with their company so they to were busy. The first scene was with a really awesome girl named Stephanie Sage. Stephaine has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life. Her skin is pale, smooth and firm. I hate to say it but I do love working with younger women because their bodies are so firm. I work out 2 times a day just to try to keep my body not disgusting…if I miss one day at the gym my belly starts flopping around like some gelatinus creature….but I digress…back to the bate material…ahh yes the beautiful Stephanie Sage. Ms. Sage is relatively new to the industry with a handful of scenes under her belt. She expressed she was nervous which I could kinda tell. We did a scene where I was her therapist and she was confessing to me that she was a sex addict and was discussing her fantasies….start dream sequence…. She and I go into the room and make sweet sweet love. Stephanie was a little nervous at first but as the director kinda egged her on she become much more open and aggressive and the scene got really fun. When Stephanie would make eye contact with me, I would simply melt. She is a very sexy girl and I think she will do very well in this industry.
My second scene for Triangle was with Mina Meow…..and it should be said, “MMMMMMEEEEEE OW” damn that girl has skills. First off let me tell you about how excited I got just watching the photographer take stills of her. She’s probably 5′ tall and 89lbs. She’s a rather skinny girl but damn does she have an ass on her….and her tits…whoa..perfect!!! She was the second fair skin beauty I had for the day…yummy. Our scene was outrageous. We got carried away…we didn’t even know camera were around us anymore. We were going at it for what seemed like 5 second but in reality was 30-40 minutes….its always a good sign when a scene goes by fast….it means we were having a good time.
These scenes were for 2 separate series so you will have to check them both out when they are released they are both gonna be fun to watch.
I also did a shoot with my girl Karrlie Dawn recently and I got to play with her new size F titties…yes I said F as in “fuck those are huge”. Karrlie and I get a long…let’s put it that way. She’s an amazing girl…very sexual and very skilled. She is so much fun. I love the fact that I can bang her and then go grab a cup of joe with her and talk about politics and other hot topics. The girl is brilliant and one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I really really really like her and I know that the scenes she and I have done together are magic. I forget the name of the company who will be releasing the video but you need to google it and get it. It’s outstanding 🙂
This last weekend I got to shoot for Dana Dane again. I always love working for her. She always gives me amazing talent with which to work and she always let’s us just “go at it”. This weekend I got to shoot in Malibu at this really awesome place looking right at the beach with a hot girl named Shayne Ryder. OMG this girl blew me away. She’s another new kid off the block; been in the industry for a few months. She was acting all innocent and shit almost made it seem as if she’d never been with a women…made comments like “oh I’ll just do what you should be the aggressive one cause I don’t know what I’m doing.” yeah right ..that girl had tricks I’ve only seen in professionals. She had the sexiest bedroom eyes. She would be licking me and look right into my soul with those beautiful doe eyes. and she knew how to work it. She moved her body like a dancer…just oozing all over me like she was melting on my hot flesh….she conformed to my body and we moved as one….OMG I’m sounding romantic I must have a crush on this girl. wow…she was amazing!!! yes I recommend googling this video!
well that’s it for now. I will blog about the 12 girl Ultimate Surrender match I had a few days back later…it was pretty outstanding 🙂