Archives 2021

IDK what happened the last 3 months.

I’ve had a weird past few months. I moved from California to Nevada… 2 weeks after the move, I was hospitalized for a week with cellulitis and MRSA. One of the worst parts is not knowing where I got MRSA. I had just moved and had not established a gym to train at yet. So while everyone I talk to assumes I got it from a “dirty gym”; it’s simply isn’t possible. Two days before my move, I sustained a mild head injury in my BJJ class. It’s common for the classes to be overcrowded, and two nights before my move, a very intense spar session smashed into me. I got a really heavy heel to the face. I decided I needed to take time off training since I was moving and I needed to stay sharp for the big event. So I had not been training at all and yet here I was, 2 weeks after my move, with a potentially lethal infection that put me in the hospital for nearly a week. I just haven’t felt myself since. I lost a lot of weight from atrophy and the very very very high doses of antibiotics I was on for nearly 3 weeks had me just not feeling like myself. I felt like I had been body-snatched. As if I were just existing. It seemed very dark. Mentally, it has been hard for me to trust cleanliness anywhere I go. Maybe I got MRSA on my elbow from putting my elbows on a table at a restaurant, Maybe I got it from laying on someone’s dirty sofa…I have no idea where it came from and that kinda fucked with my brain a little. But I think I’m getting back into feeling like myself I wanted to apologize to everyone for not being active on here. I have been shooting content on the down-low meaning, I am not tweeting or posting about every shoot I do and I’ll tell you why: If I put any teaser up I will immediately get someone asking me for that content that was just shot and could not possibly be edited or ready for distribution. While I’m flattered by the enthusiasm I mentally didn’t want to deal with that. I did not want to tell each and every person asking that I wasn’t emotionally available to accommodate them in the slightest.

With that said, recently wrapped our Autumn Tournament. Today, however, We updated with my return to the mats to challenge the winner of said tournament. It felt good to be back on the mats but more bittersweet I would say. I miss having challengers. While my tournament does display the best of the best, the pickings are slim. There just aren’t enough really good pornstar grapplers out there. So this gets me fantasizing about maybe doing sessions again or maybe starting a non-adult site to wrestle with elite grapplers just for my own desire to be challenged. I doubt a site like that will ever be as lucrative as the porn sites I run but I’m at a point in my life where I can start doing passion projects which will be emotionally more rewarding than the money maker projects. But I’m lucky because I CAN do both.

Thank you everyone and stay tuned for more. I’m still in the process of moving ( believe it or not) My initial move from CA to NV got me into my rental. In the meantime, I was able to find a great home to buy. So now I’m moving OUT of the rental and into the house but the folx I bought from need to rent it back until THEIR house is ready in March. So I get to move again in a few months. This is great because I need some time to settle in and recovery.

Moving out of California

Well the time has come. I was born and raised in California. I’ve lived in the Bay Area and in Los Angeles for the bulk of my life. I do love California. The weather is great, the scenery is beautiful; there are so many stunning hikes and camping areas to go to. But, it’s time to say good bye. I have had my company set up in Nevada for the past 5 years. I have been driving back and forth for 5 years. During Covid lockdowns with travel restrictions, I was spending much more time sitting in my car than I cared to. The Pandemic ignited a spark in me, I suppose. I realized I would much rather live closer to my work with my family living in the same town that I work in so that I wasn’t sitting on the road for 10-20 hours a month. With everything closed, people started encroaching on my favorite hikes and camping areas. I’m over it. I’m ready to move on. While I do not LOVE Nevada, I am very happy that they are business friendly towards adult companies like myself. Im simply going to use Nevada as home base so that when things do open up ( looking like 2024) I can travel easily out of my home base while not having to pay california prices. I will miss my training partners for sure. I have moved a few times and it always hurts when you leave a good gym that has become your family. I do plan on coming back to train with those buttheads often tho. On to the next chapter.

Thinking about closing this Blog

I have been mulling an idea over for a while. This site cost me money to keep up. I have domain fees, hosting fees. The ROI just isn’t there. I haven’t been active on here either but that’s mostly because the nature of the site being adult makes it nearly impossible to make any revenue from it. I have recently gotten sex toy companies asking about paid ads but I’m not getting enough to pay for the site. Also, I am opening a SFW site which I will be active on and which I will be able to monetize. So it looks like this is the end for this blog. I will keep it up for a few more week and then the site will be a redirect to my onlyfans fan page.

Thank you all for the support and I hope to see you all on the next chapter of my journey!

UPDATE AUG 16, 2021

I am overwhelmed with the love and support you folx have shown to my blog. Apparently some of you do read what I’m posting and you do like my blog and will miss it if it’s gone. So I will keep it up for now. Thanks again for all the love and support.

Long Time, No See

I haven’t posted a blog on here in while. Covid has me working extra hard just to make the same progress. I feel like there were 100 million extra steps that I had to do just to get the same results. Keeping my pay sites updating regularly during a pandemic had its trials and tribulations, but I made it work. The one thing I do appreciate about the whole shit year of 2020 was it forced me to see that small changes in my career are going to be beneficial. I want to make my business 100% online. I do not want a brick an mortar business. I want to get rid of my studio entirely. Studios are expensive had high maintenance. My issue is figuring out how I will produce a high production value product for the Evolved Fights series without a studio and without having to physically be on set to film it. I am potentially going to sell the sites in 5 years. That’s an option for me. But that’s along ways away. What I am doing in the mean time is building some “mainstream” sites that are fully PG and SFW ( safe for work) I have spend the last 15 years doing fitness and martial arts and I do consider myself an authority in those areas. Believe it or not, I get just as many folx asking me to be their coach as I get folx asking me for webcam or custom videos. I feel honored to be regarded as someone who can add value to people’s lives. I am working on a freemium blog that will give tips and ideas for working out, eating healthfully and keeping a positive mind set. If this sounds interesting to you, Please sign up for my email list at By all means, if this is not of interest to you, DO NOT sign up. This site is 100% professional mainstream. There will be no nudes no porn. If you want that, say on this site. I can keep everyone happy but I need to keep things separate. Signing up doesn’t do me any favors if you are not interested or have no intention on reading or engaging in health and fitness subjects.