Fitness Competition Prep

My fitness competition is only 9 days away. It seems so far away yet seems so close almost like I’m not ready for it and need more time. I am a competitive athlete. I need to have strength in what I do for a living. Aside from needing to look somewhat hot for the porn videos I make and aside from the porn wrestling I do, I also am a competitive athlete outside of my job. I compete in internationally recognized tournaments and competitions ranging from MMA, BJJ and triathlons.  I need to keep my strength for those competitions. Looking good on stage is nice and all but what it takes to look that way is not conducive to being a competitive athlete. Most the girls who do these fitness/figure/bodybuilding shows start dieting 6-10 weeks before the competition. I suppose my normal every day eating habits are comparable to what these girls call a “diet” but I still take in more calories than what a competitive fitness model takes in.  I had 2 big tournaments I was preparing for that I needed to stay strong for up until july 1st. I was in London until July 2nd. My fitness comp is July 21 which gave me exactly 19 days to start my super diet to prepare for the show. Dieting while abroad is NOT hard.  Almost every place in the world has a place you can find chicken breast and veggies. The hard part was knowing that I needed carbs to be able to stay in Peak condition for my matches but knowing that those carbs were going to make my 19 days of dieting all the more hard. Come July 3rd, when I was back in the states the diet started. I have been limited to 4 meals a day, egg whites and berries in the morning, 5 oz tilapia and 1 cup asparagus at around noon, 5oz chicken and 1cup green beans around 4pm and at around 8pm I got to top my day off with 5oz of sardines and 1 cup green beans…I am quite good with spices so I made all these things taste rather enjoyable. That’s just about 100o calories a day for my diet the last 11 days but what I’m expending is just about 2500 calories. I am doing heavy running in the AM..nice and early at 6am I get up and run hills. I still lift weights just not as heavy as I’m use to. Then I have a 1 hour hike in the afternoon. 2 hours of grappling at night and then a nice 1 hour jog in the evening. This has been my life the past 11 days. The exercise is nothing..this is easy compared to the routine I do on a regular basis but on a regular basis I’m also use to having about 2500-4000 calories in my belly to burn. This has been a true shock my my system. I’m tired all the time and a little groggy in the brain. When people try to talk to me I just sit and hear them….I don’t listen, I just hear. I seem to have little patience with people. If someone does something completely lame, I call them on their bullshit as opposed to shutting up and letting it slide  as I usually do.

Anyfart…we all know dieting makes people moody. that’s not why I’m writing this blog.

Up until a few days ago, I was fine with the diet. Today it’s hurting. I did a really heavy day of workouts. My fitness competition coach gives me the workout I should be going but we don’t calculate the stuff I need to do for my martial arts training. I’m probably training too much but I’m not going to stop my training to do this show. On the other hand, my fitness coach reminds me that I only had 19 days to switch my diet and change up exercise routine while the other girls had 6 weeks….so I am doing the crash course on dieting and routine to get into shape for the show so that extra work I’m doing my be saving my ass to keep up with the other girls. I’m interested to see how I look compared to the girls who did the 6-10 weeks of diet. Sometimes I think I’m too small for the division I’m in. I’m doing the fitness diva competition. They want us to be muscular, more muscular than a bikini model or a fitness model but not as muscular as a figure model. I do not have to do the tumbling acts or wear an evening gown like the fitness and bikini models do. I start getting worried that I’m dieting too much and I’m getting too small and them my coach forwards me pics of other girls who won the show I’m doing and then I start panicking that I’m way to muscular for the division I’m in. I feel like a misfit. I’m too muscular for fitness and not muscular enough for figure. I guess I could always take the easy way out and just stop working out and soften up a lot to do bikini but I am already insecure about being this small now. I prefer to be bigger. I prefer to be 125lbs, I’m down to 115lbs now. While I was competing in my BJJ tournament I went up to 128lbs since they were putting me in the heavier divisions ( there were not girls at my 125 weight so they bumped me to the 131-150 weight class) so I went from 128 down to 115 in the last 11 days.

Sunday I get to switch up my diet and exercise routine. I do protein and fat diet and less cardio but more intense cardio with tabata style weight lifting….should be fun. I am just happy to mix things up a bit. Oh Oh and I get 6 meals a day as opposed to 4 but no green beans or asparagus from now on, just tablespoons of flax seed oil…yum.