I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging much. I have been swamped with work, which I can not complain about. Historically, December is always a very slow month for me but this year it’s been truly busy. On top of working non stop for wrestling and cam site, I have been pretty busy doing motherly duties. My son is having a hell of a time at school….we are getting through it. Thank you to all of you who have written and expressed concern and given advice. 🙂
So it’s Holiday season…we had Hannuka earlier in the month now it’s time for Xmas and Kwanza!!! then New Years. I don’t have too many new years resolutions..i try to keep goals on a daily basis. I guess if there is one thing I would love to work on in 2011 it would be to learn to love like I’ve never been hurt before. I’m finding it very difficult to get close to anyone, friends or potential suitors. I really have no interest in any type of romantic relationship at this point in time but even when a man or woman is trying to just be nice, I back peddle and run away from them. I don’t want to invest any time into anyone right now, in fear of rejection or being hurt again..so 2011 will be the year I try to make friends……and not run away from people who are trying to be kind….but of course…stalkers and weirdos I will be guarded with as always..but they are easy to spot.
What are the tell tale signs of a stalker/weirdo? here’s my list( bare in mind that we all do some of these sometimes and doing it once or twice doesn’t make any of us weird…its when it happens multiple times in a day when it becomes a problem.)
– Someone who writes me 30 times a day to tell me each and everything he/she does…ie ” just got done shopping”…next email ” just went to the store and came back early to see if maybe you emailed me..”
-in that same respect..someone who sends very short emails almost as if it were a text i.e. : “what are you doing? ” ….next email ” haven’t heard from you are you alright?” …next text ” you’re an asshole for not writing back”….these continue all day just each on meaner and shorter than the last.
– Someone who has to constantly tell me how much they consider me a good friend ( now some of you are my good friends…but you guys and gals don’t write me every 10 minutes telling me what good friends we are)
– someone who write in ALL CAPS IN ALL THE EMAILS THE SEND ME
– someone who write me from multiple email accounts because they “get bored with the old email account” I still can’t understand this train of though…
– Someone who insists we meet up becuase they just think I’m cool and then writes me all types of crap about how bad they want to fuck me.
So just so you know…..You would know these are talking about you because I would have written you to tell you you’re weird and ask that you never write me again…by all means I do not want to disuade any of my awesome friends from writting me…you are never a bother…if you become a bother, I am very vocal..I don’t hold anything back, trust me..thus why I am single LOL.
So at any rate. this blog is about the Holidays not about people annoying me. I don’t have any big holidays plans. I will be spending the holidays with my family. I have a new Niece who is celebrating her first Christmas..It was so fun shopping for a little girl!!!
I have been tending to a sick child so my free time has been pretty mellow…oh oh..I did have a booty call the other day….it was pretty freakn’ great….I wish I could have stayed longer alas, my lover had to work and wanted to sleep and I would have been trying to fuck all night and that wouldn’t have been good for the sap who needs to sleep!!
I do have a few days off for the holidays and then it’s back to work …bah…which brings me to my next resolution for 2011…try to work smarter not harder.
One of these days I will have minions who do dirty work for me LOL…maybe you guys can spread the word about this blog to help the sales of my affiliate programs hint hint….eh hmmm….
And that’s about it for now….I’ve made some pretty awesome friends this year…so thank you all for being there for me and sharing your lives….my lil “lilf”, Sue, Sam, Kelly, Nat……Aaron, Bob, Bill, Stew, Barry, George…I love you all…I truly I do!!! I’m sorry I can’t get back to ya all as much as you deserve. Happy holidays to all of you Darlings whether I name dropped you or not 🙂