The Lameness that is Facebook

Facebook deleted my account today. I can’t say I’m saddened by this at all. To be completely honest I am tired of facebook. I don’t understand where 90% of the people who try to add me find me from. None of the people who tried to add me were fans of mine or knew anythign about what I did. Most of the people were trying to add me so they could do farmville or words with friends or mafia this or that….the other people were just guys trying to email me pictures of their penises or tell me in caveman talk how they wanted to bang me…so I can’t say I will miss facebook. I will only be using a fanpage for facebook. I will post updates about what I’m doing on there. Please feel free to “like” it or dont…no biggie. I’ve been bombarded this morning with emails from people who think I deleted them from my facebook. This is not the case, I was deleted. I will not be spending much time on there anymore, I”m just not into it. 🙁 here is a link to my fb fan page

you can follow me on twitter as well my twitter name is arielxoxo

thanks for the support everyone.

