Role Models vs Troll Models

I saw this quote pop up on my twitter feed the other day; “Once you ruin your reputation, you can live freely”. It’s profound. I think about all these kids who are making if famous, like Taylor Swift or the Beebs ( justien beiber) and I wonder what life must be like for them. I don’t know much about them, I’m not into their lifestyle or music or any of that stuff. I know Swift thinks herself to be a good Role model for young ladies and maybe she’s right. She seems nice and wholesome enough. But that’s got to be a whole lot of pressure for a anyone to deal with. With all the trolls on the internet and/or paparazzi chasing her around, I’m sure she’s bound to make a mistake and have it dragged all over the media.

This is an election year. I love election year for so many reasons. The main reason I love election year is to listen to all the debates where the candidates don’t answer a single question and spend the entire time trying to bad mouth the other cadidates. The other thing I LOVE about election year is all the smear campaigns going on, the quotes taken out of context and twisted around to make each candidate look like they might possibly be abortion loving baby jesus killing neo natzis.

but I digress.

So celebrities and politians are forced to live this crazy life of always walking on egg shells because people are too stupid to realize that there is no ONE perfect being on this earth living right now to model our lives after. The world likes to put athletes, movie stars and politians on this high pedestal. Meanwhile, with all the fame and fortune that comes with being a celebrities, these poor bastards are tempted every single day with something that could destroy their public images and well…knowing some politicans and “celebrities” I can tell you, they aren’t just tempted, they are fiending for it. Probably because it’s so much MORE tabboo for them to do anything risque.

I’m not sure why I’m ever writting this blog, I’m just getting random thoughts out of my head. I stalk people on twitter and I see the crap the Trolls write to some of these celebrities. It’s getting to the point were a celebrity can’t even post a picture of him/herself withouth some Troll pointing out some hypocricy being done by said celebrity. Trolls are everywhere and when you’re in the lime light they find you much easier. So I feel bad for you celebrities and politicians. I do. Because I have people hate me just simply due to the fact I make porn. They know what I do and they know they want to hate me. the pedastal I’m on isn’t high enough to break any of my bones or spirit should I fall off after I can’t live up to someone’s expectation. I’ve never had a “good” reputation, ergo I’ve always lived freely. I feel bad for the celebrities. Their is a price to fame and being a role model and that price is not being able to be “human” or live a free life cause you’re living it for everyone else.