Nearly 3 days since Surgery
Its been nearly 3 full days since my surgery. I was supposed to go in at 8:30am for a 10am surgery. However, my doctor was runny really late so I didn’t go in to surgery until 2pm. They tell you not to each anything after midnight the night before surgery. I didn’t eat after 8pm because I went to bed early. I’ve been working my ass off before surgery so I would feel right about taking time off. I also had to work a lot to save up a huge chunk of change to live off of for the next few months while I recover. I’ve been tired, exhausted and burnt out for the last month. So I went to be early the day before surgery and was hoping to roll out of bed and head over to the hospital. The waiting was the worst part. I must admit I was having some anxiety about the surgery. I’ve never had a major surgery. I’ve had wisdom teeth removed and gave birth but that doesn’t really count as a surgery. I prepared myself for the worst possible scenario for post operative pain. I interviewed hundreds of women to see how bad the recovery is. There is no answer to how bad it will be. Everyone is different, everyone processes pain differently and every heals at a different rate. So asking around won’t help. I went into the surgery thinking that it would be the most painful experience of my life. I prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. This is the best state of mind into which one should enter any situation. Since they pushed my surgery back 4 hours, I was rather hungry. When i get hungry I get really cranky and emotional. I shut down mentally. People will talk to me and I won’t hear a word they say. The nurse told me to come back to the hospital ( I had left because I didn’t want to spend 4 hours sitting in a waiting room) so that they could administer an IV on me. My blood sugar was low and I was starting to shake. I was rather annoyed at the delay but bitching at and causing problems with the hospital wouldn’t have done any good. So I just sat in the bed with the iv attached to me. Within minutes of getting the IV i started to feel a million times better. My doctor soon came into mark up my chest and verify the implant information. My anesthesiologist came in soon after and put something into my IV, said good night and the next thing I remember was waking up to a nurse and my anesthesiologist telling me what a great patient I was. I was still numb at this point and felt no pain or pressure. I had my new additions on my chest but didn’t really notice them as I was still a little doped up. My little brother came to pick me up. Shortly after I got into the car, the pain meds started to ware off. I felt a lot of pressure on my chest and my throat was killing me. I felt as if I was wrestling with Raquel again; as if I had some powerful beast on top of me…and I guess I did I have these powerful boobs on me. Yes they are powerful. they make people stare at me and jaws drop and men and women fall over themselves already LOL.
it’s day 3 and recovery has been easy. The worst part of my recovery is forcing myself to sleep on my back. I always use to sleep on my stomach. I have major back problems from wrestling and a car accident from 8 years ago. I usually ball up and stretch my back while I sleep but I am not able to do that with the recent surgery. I am required to sleep on my back with my head elevated almost in a seated position. I am also required to wear an elastic band around my chest above my nipples to help the swelling and to aid in the dropping of my implants. This band puts a lot of pressure onto my back and causes it to cramp. My back is killing me my boobs, I don’t even notice. So I lay in bed all day with an ice pack on my back. LOL My boobs feel tight but not painful. I am able to lift my arms, I’m not sure why everyone told me I wouldn’t be able to even move for a week. My experience has been great and I have no complications.
So I got my card for my implants. I laughed when my doctor handed it to me. It’s like when you buy a diamond ring and they give you a certificate of authenticity that tells you the quality of the gem….well in this case they are telling me the quality of my two gems. LOL. I have style 15 of the natrelle 371cc implants. I went under the muscle. They will eventually be a C cup. Right now they are just wide and weird looking from the swelling.
I spend the majority of my newly found free time watching “Ancient Aliens” on Netflix or “Millionaire Match Maker” on Bravo. I have been getting a million emails and texts from people showing support and I greatly appreciate it. I’ve also been getting a handful of goofballs bitching to me about my decision. I appreciate the support they are trying to show but I don’t appreciate the negativity. Anyfart. I am looking forward very much to being able to work out again. I will be heading out to Sacramento in November to help with some production for If y’all haven’t seen the awesome concept I came up with for WBI, I think you should check it out. It’s brutal and 100% competitive.
If you missed my previous blog about the details of the concept, let me explain now. I’ve been doing competitive cat-fighting for a few years now. I have won some and I’ve lost some. Most of the ones I’ve lost were when I first started. I sucked. I am a fan of performing in matches as well as just watching them. Like any other fan, I have my favorite girls I like to watch. As funny as it may sound I have favorite girls I like to watch and this is different than the girls I like to actually wrestle. But I digress. As I started to watch some catfights I grew tired of seeing squash matches. I just don’t see anything fun in a match with a girl who is tremendously skilled tapping out a newbie who has just wrestled a few times. As a performer I don’t have fun working squash matches and there is not challenge in it as a producer I know that it’s impossible to pair girls of equal skill with each other for every match…there’s just not enough local talent at a time to make every match closed contested. So I developed a system in which grappling skills is only a percentage of the final score. I integrated a point system into a cat fight so that hair pulling, face slapping and belly punching were not only allowed and encouraged but also mandatory to do in order to dominate and win. My system was put in place to even out the playing field and make girls more aggressive in a fun and safe mannor. If this sounds like something you’d be into , then please check it out and give me some feed back.
Fred J
Not that I think you needed bigger boobs, but I'm sure they'll look spectacular once they "settle in" 🙂 Nothing like a sick leave to catch up on tv-series. Last time my back went out I made time go bye watching all 5 seasons of "The Wire", time before that it was 3 seasons of "Deadwood", I can recommend both 😉
Looking forward to seeing the end result 🙂
Hope your healing goes well!