
Hey folks, I am backed up on blogging, sorry about the dryness. I’m going to share with you guys something very personal. I’m sorry to be dramatic but I’m only telling you guys this so you can understand why I’m in no mood to blog. This year my boyfriend and I have been at each other throats. It appears to be the begining of the end. He’s a good guys, He treats me well, we are just growing apart which leads to arguments. Ladies he’s a great catch if you wanna date him he’s a great guy but you need my approval first because he needs to be with a queen and I don’t mean drag queens…save those for ME
I’m not a people person, if you couldn’t tell from some of my blogs. I’ve been working so much I hardly get to see him and when we see each other we want to kill each other.
So that’s it. If he puts effort into working things out we might get through this but I’m tired of relationships. I’m to selfish and to mean to give a shit….yes yes…I am a huge asshole.

In other news. I will be posting about my shoots for,, the softcore video I did with a guy ( oh lala) and the shoot I did just yesterday with Rebecca Blue..mmm mmm mmm. I will catch up soon.