I went to the dentist

I got my teeth cleaned today and then got them whitened. It’s amazing what a difference teeth whitening makes. I got my teeth whitend 2 years ago and I remember how awesome it was and how many compliments I’d get from people who couldn’t pin point what I changed but just thought I looked better.  Today every time I look in the mirror and smile I must say it does look good. 🙂 Here are some pix of me at the dentist for all you dental freaks out there.

I also bought new headphones for my laptop…they cost $30 WTF the cheapest ones they had were $8….but they were really cheap and I needed extra rubber thingies cause I’m always losing them.

In other news. I will be going to my very first Mary Kay party tonight. I’m having a real honest to god girls night out…I’ve never done this before. mainly because I hate people. I’ll give it a try if I like it I’ll do it some more…today is going to turn out to be a big spending day. OH OH and me and my guy are going to couples therapy for my bday…I’m so excited…i’m being serious, not sarcastic…I begged him for it for a pressent..the poor guy is doing it 🙂 yippie!!!