Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s day to all you awesome people reading my blog. I do NOT have a hot date this year. I’m focusing on work and getting the Super Mega Awesome Battle Dream Supreme fine tuned and updated for the 15th. It’s my “love” for this valentine’s day. Me and my team have put in a lot of hours into getting this bad boy ready. The wrestlers busted their asses to get the shoot done. I’m so proud of all the ladies. I’m so proud of the shoot.

I wish I had some sexy stories to share with you for valentine’s day but I don’t. I’ve been recovering from surgery and working so there hasn’t been much time for hanky panky. To be honest I’m not in the mood. I mean I’m horny. I’m always in the mood for sex. I’m not in the mood to have to commit to giving anyone special my time and energy to get to the sex. If I could get a call girl or something I would do that but to be honest it’s just not that important to me. I rub one out and roll over..rub a few more out…then get up and pee….rub a few more out…watch some wrestling rub a few more out and fall asleep and BAM I’m done. I’m easy to please when I’m me. So not much exciting for my love life. I’m married to my job and I friggn LOVE IT.