Catching up. My Trip to SF

I have a lot to catch up on my blog. I was out of town this last weekend on a half vacation half work trip. Now I don’t usually like to talk negative or spill personal information about my love life but y’all should know that I was so miserable this weekend that I simply couldn’t blog.

I won’t go into details. I still am feeling pretty shittty but life goes on.

We stayed at the Westin St. Francis. The room the gave us initially was horrible I was going to write up a bad review on the hotel at first because the lady who checked us in was a raging bitch and the room was horrible. We had a view of a brick wall….WTF right? Even though I’m mad at my BF I have to admit, he can be very charming and has a way of getting what he wants. He called up the front desk and got a nice gentleman who gave us a free upgrade and we were set.

We spent our trip doing really touristy things. We went to Golden Gate Park.  We saw the King Tut exhibit. I was impressed with the quality of artifact, how well preserved they were but I was not impressed with the content of the exhibit. I was kinda expecting to see his sarcophagus or head dress but they told us only after we paid $35 per ticket that they do not allow those items to leave eqypt any more. It was good but pretty pricey. I love Eqyptian stuff. Those guys had a knack for making luxurious items that outlast the tests of time.

We also went to the Japanese Tea Gardens. This was actually my first time in a garden like this. I have tons of pictures 🙂 You will be able to see the shrubs and trees and bridges, they were impressive and very relaxing.

We wanted to get in as much site seeing as possible on Thursday because I would be working all day Friday and we were leaving Saturday. Since we were already at De Young Park, we decided to hit up the night opening of the Academy of Science. Every Thursday from 6-10pm the Academy of Science re-opens to a 21 and older crowd. They serve booze, have dj’s it’s pretty fun. It doesn’t have the typical Museum feel once the light shows and music come one and the best park its….NO KIDS!!!!!

We had a pretty full Thursday as you can see.

I will post more about the Tag Team Match i had. One of the closest match in US tag team history!!! More on that later. I’m tired and need to go to the gym 🙂