Brace yourself, I Kneed to tell you something

Some of you may have heard on facebook or twitter that I jacked my left knee pretty good the other day. I’m actually sick of writing the story out a dozen times to people individually so I am just going to blog about what happend and what’s going on. I will not be wrestling for the rest of 2012 in a competitive fashion. Don’t worry, I have shot all I can shoot for this year’s Summer Vengeance so the tournament will not be effected.

About 2 days ago, I decided to get back into the swing of things at my grappling gym. I had eased off the morning classes because they were the “Fight team” practices and I didn’t want to slow down the big boys in the class. I decided I would take the class the other morning just because I missed it so much. That day we were working on take downs and take down defense. At the end of class, we did a little sparring. I was going with a “new” guy. We would do a take down then start back from the pummel set up. We got against the wall and he went to hip toss me but he did it the wrong way and rather than pulling me forward he pulled me to the side. I was looking down and I saw my knee cap slide laterally. I heard a really loud “pop” and my vision got a little blurry and I felt a pain that almost paralyzed me. I let out a big yelp and fell to the ground grabbing my knee. Trying not to look like a pussy in front of my boys I just sat there and rolled around until the pain subsided which was about 1 minute. I took some deep breathes, collected myself and was pleased that the pain was gone. I sat on the ground for a minute and bent my knee back and forth. no pain “great” I thought. I get up, take one step and fall on my ass again. It felt as if I had no leg. I could not put any weight on it without it giving way. The boys brought me ice and crutches and a pillow to elevate my knee. One of the guys rushed and got me some anti inflammatory meds. They all sat there and waited for me to get up. I was in really good hands. All the guys were super calm and collected and it made me not panic. I contacted my insurance company. They told me I will have to wait to see my primary. They said if I was in a lot of pain I could go to the Urgent care that wasn’t going to open for another 8 hours anyway. There wasn’t much the urgent care could do for me. I have to wait for the swelling to go down before I see my primary and before he can give me approval for anything like physical therapy or MRIs. It’s a bummer to say the least.  I have been staying off of it, icing it, compressing it, elevating it….my brother is a paramedic and I live with im so I’m in really good hands. I have a pimp cane I walk around with. I can not walk without it. I need a knee brace, without a brace my knee gives way and causes me great pain. I’ve been bed ridden the past few days so I’m catching up on lame tv crap that I’ve never seen before…what the hell are you people watching?

I don’t know that the full scope of this has settled into my brain. I know I will not be able to wrestle this year. I’m not depressed about it though. About this time last year I had surgery and had to take the remainder of the year off as well. I managed pretty well. I will miss wrestling for sure. As I get stability back into my leg I will be able to do boxing, so I guess I will focus on that this year. I actually see it as an opportunity to work on things I have been putting off. I will be doing more cam stuff out of my house since I won’t be working as much wrestling and that gives me an opportunity to talk with my fans more. So I am not upset of feeling sorry for myself. This is very unfortunate but it happens. I never put all my eggs in one basket, I’ve always had a back up plan. So my back up plan is affiliate marketing. I will be posting blogs about videos I do and the links to those videos will be my affiliate link. Any sales made from my blog come partially to me, so please, if you want to join a site, do it through the links on my blog please. THank you.
