I’ve been having a lot of contemplations lately on where I want to go with my productions. I am incredibly grateful that evolvedfights and evolvedfightlez have generated such a huge following. The fans of wrestling porn are some of the most incredible people I have ever encountered in my days of shooting fetish. I’ve made many actual friends with the people who have been enjoying the evolved sites. For the most part, I do enjoy producing all the videos. It’s not all sunshine and roses, there is often drama being the showrunner. Some models don’t wanna work with or for other models. Some models just don’t wanna wrestle at all once they arrive on set. Sometimes I book models through their talent agencies and the agents don’t send the model all the information I send over so there is a lot of confusion on the day of the shoot. It’s rather annoying but this seems to be a trend with some of the current agents in the industry now. All of this is work around-able. None of this is enough to make me throw my hands up and quit. When you run your own business, you take the brunt of all the pain. Big Risk, Big Reward.
While the sites have been fun, I catch myself wanting to slow down. I get requests all the time to open more sites. I have no desire nor do I have the time or resources to open more sites. I don’t think people really understand what it takes to run and operate a legitimate adult site. I know that it looks easy because every model on the planet puts their cell phone on a tripod videos up on the internet via clip stores or onlyfans but that’s nothing like opening your own site. Like most things, there is much more than meets the eye to being a legitimate business owner. Think about the business you are in. Maybe you sell real estate, or you are a programmer or a manager at a store or hotel. I bet you have heard people accuse you of having an easy job that anyone could do. People glamorize other people’s jobs for some reason. They fantasize that there are easy jobs that pay great money for some reason. Well, I know the reason. People only see final projects, they hardly ever see the work it takes to get there. I wish I had the budget to hire a full-time film crew to follow me around and document all the trials and tribulations I have at my job so I could show everyone. Alas, what’s the point of doing that? To show people how I suffer? LOL. I don’t care if they know. It won’t bring in any more money to my company but it will cost me a great deal of money to produce. A lot of “fans” think I have some endless budget, I think people think anyone who films porn is a mega-millionaire. I don’t have Disney money where I can do a “making of” for every series I do. I wish I did. The fact is the bts isn’t exciting at all either. It’s also not of interest to me to film. As I mentioned, I’m wanting to slow down the adult productions, not add additional tasks that will not bring in more income.
I’m focusing more on projects that are not porn related whatsoever. I will be opening myjitsjourney.com next year which will be a motivational platform for people who need a bestie to help them stay on track and live a more healthful life while teaching them to be grateful and appreciative. In addition to that, I will be promoting SFW, training, and tutorials for content creators. I am coming up with a course to help teach content creators how to make quick and dirty videos for any platform. ( I will post more about that once it’s up and running)
I’m afraid at this point in my career, I am finding success beyond porn which is making the drama of producing porn seem less and less appealing. Of course, as I mentioned, all careers have their own drama that will come with them. But for me, being a fully self-sufficient business owner who doesn’t need to deal with drama from models and agents is more appealing as I mature as a quadragenarian.
I’m at the point now where I feel people think I’m being a DIVA but my experience feels like I’m merely setting boundaries and keeping myself sane. I have producers asking me to film for them but the rates they offer are the rates they offer any old model off the street. I have opportunity costs if I film for other producers, I miss out on things I could be doing for MY company. The rate they offer just isn’t justifiable to me. I also run into this issue with fans who want to webcam one on one with me or who want some elaborate custom. Taking my time to chat with one person costs me. It costs me time and money because I could be using that time to talk to many people on OF and make 50Xs what a one on one chat is offering. My time is valuable. It’s taken me nearly 20 years to get to a spot where I can turn down work and honestly it’s been hard for me mentally. I still have FOMO. I still think for some reason I need to work for other people because for 20 years, that’s what I did. But now every single time I am on set for someone else, I am stressed out because I’m now Missing out on the tasks I need to do for my own production. So I end up eating into my family and “me” time to compensate. I didn’t work this hard for 2 decades to get more stressed. So I think I’m ready to stop filming with other producers altogether. It’s time I focus on myself. This means if you want a custom with me in it, you will have to order it from me and you can expect that the rate will be higher than it was in the past unless you are requesting something that fits perfectly with my muscle girl-who-loves-girls brand.