I’m sorry I haven’t blogged much lately. Trust me I’ve been busy and have some awesome things to blog about. I will probably have serveral updates in the next couple days so bare with me. I fell off the wagon last month when I learned that a long time friend and companion of mine had lost his battle with cancer. I guess I never really sat down and thought about it before but I really never have had anyone close to me die before. My grandparents have all passed but I was expecting those passings. I really thought Academy Bruce would pull through this fight. He was one of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life. He single handedly inspired me to push myself so hard for every match on or off academy mats. He’s the one who inspired me to start taking classes in Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. He put me up against girls at his place that would whoop on me and submit me and it pissed me off so much that I finally got sick of getting my ass whooped and decided to do something about it. I was so fortunate at the time to have had a loving boyfriend who listened to me bitch and complain about losing so much that my BF paid for a full year of classes for me ( that’s not cheap folks). So a combination of 2 amazing men in my life at a vulnerable time in my life really got me going on the path I am on now.
Here is my Ode to an amazing man; the best friend I ever had, a loving father and husband to this kids and wife respectively:
We called him Uncle Bruce for a reason
He was family to us day and night of any season
His smile never left his face
As long as strong babes would wrestle at his place
He genuinely cared for each and every female fighter
and let each girl see how much strength was inside her
He use to try to work me match after match until I felt fatigue
and every women he put me against became a real colleague
The academy become a circle of family and friends
Something no other place can replicate again
I know that’s short but sometimes less is more. I can not put to words what and impact that man had on my life. I use to text him every single day to tell him about my fights. He was the only person I ever met who gave a shit about what I did as much as I did. He was my uncle bruce and now he is my guardian angle Bruce. We love you big man, keep smiling ear to ear and I’ll keep fighting for you each and every day 🙂