Leathal Harcore shoot with Elizabeth Anne

I got to do my first g/g scene in over 3 weeks. I got paired up with Elizabeth Anne. I have worked with Elizabeth before but never had sex with her. I worked with her on the Tushy sites I work for. She was such a sweet thing the first time I worked with her. I was her very first job ever and I got to stick my finger up her butt for the doctortushy site.


Yesterday I was called into set the last minute because 2 girls had to be sent home because they showed up with scratches, bite marks and bruises that were so bad that the company decided they couldn’t’ use the girls. My agent called me and another replacement girl , Elizabeth Anne, in to the rescue. I have to admit I always feel kinda crappy about getting work solely because the original girls the company wanted flaked or couldn’t work. I feel like second rate…like they didn’t’ pick me to begin with and they are only working with me because I’m reliable LOL. It’s not the best feeling in the world but at least I’m working and bringing in money so I’m certainly not complaining…Lord knows I get the majority of my work from being a replacement and I’m happy even then the companies want to work with me.

So the scene was supposed to be Elizabeth and me going out to a gay club…only thing is Elizabeth isn’t gay and doesnt’ know I’m gay. I have to “break the news to her”. This scene was actually Elizabeth’s firth g/g scene ever. She has been with girl in her personal life but never on camera…so I got to be the first person to stick anything in elizabeth’s butt for the tushy site and now I’m the first girl to bang Elizabeth on camera…yippie…I love it.!!!!

Elizabeth is 22, very sweet. She complimented me on my body when we were taking stills, which meant a lot to me because she has such a tight body herself. She is a very great kisser….she has soft lips that taste like candy. Her skin is so smooth and soft. It was very easy for me to “seduce” her. I got to go at her first….ya know, do the whole..I’m a lesbo so let me show you what we do and then you can try…I don’t know how many scenes I’ve done like this but It’s been well over 50 and it’s fun every single time. So I put my moves on little Elizabeth. She let’s me do my thing. She seemed a little uncomfortable at first but she soon let go and was really able to get into it. Her body would trust back and forth and she would make legitimate moans in pleasure. Then we set this little shark lose on me. I swear she was a pussy shark…like a pool shark but for pussy. She claimed she hadn’t been with that many women making me think she might suck then POW!! she goes right for it. She was good…I have to admit though, I did close my eyes at one point when I was close to cumming and imagine I was with my boyfriend so that I would really cum. If you recall my guy and I were having some issues. We are going to work on it. So falling in and out of love is a funny thing. Because it makes my sexlife a big giant roller coaster. Every time we break up and get back together it’s like falling in love all over again and things still excite me. Thinking of my boyfriend making love to me got me off so hard while little Elizabeth was going down on me. I know this is not what my lesbian fans want to hear..but tough titties said the kitty, but the milks still good. Love is love…you find it where every you can….if you can relate to what I’m talking about with my boyfriend then I’m happy for you and I’m sure you realize what a special thing I have. If you’re bitter at me for going to the dick side..then well..you’re just bitter and I don’t need your negative energy in my life anyway. 

It’s a strange life I live. I love women…pretty much all women. I could and would spend the rest of my life with some of the women I’ve fallen for…thing happen and things don’t work out but I wouldn’t trade my man in for anything. He’s a good person regardless of gender. He makes me happy, never lies, never cheats ( as far as within our relationship boundaries) and he makes me be a better person. It’s a shame he’s a man LOL but I’ll take love where ever I can find it.


So I was on set waiting for Elizabeth to show up and took a few pix of me waiting around. She was called in last minute as well. She’s a trooper for coming out last minute and doing a fantastic job. I hope to see more of her. She’s so adorable…and yes she is 22 even though she looks 11 in her pix.

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