Dia Zerva vs. Dragon Lily
Last week Academy released a video with 2 of my all time favorite wrestlers, Dia Zerva and Dragon Lily. One thing I found particularly interesting was Dragon Lily’s composer through out the entire match. From the start, Dia comes at Dragon Lily ( who is recenly out of retirement) with all types of head locks/chocks and smoothers. Dragon stays calm collective and cool while calculating her next set up move on her opponent just like a true master of the sport should. Both oppenents are great when it comes to looking for submissions and often there are situations where both girls have a hold on each other at the same time and it becomes a battle of who can withhold submitting the longest while also trying to submit the other. This is an extremely evenly matched matchup with two girls of equal skill sets. It comes down to who has more heart, who wants to win more and who wants to get fucked more 🙂 To see the entire video please visit academywrestling.com [kaltura-widget wid=”9ujya9hoa0″ width=”410″ height=”364″ addpermission=”3″ editpermission=”3″ /]
I know dia is one of your favorite partner and zia very strong