The 4 Easy Steps to becoming a Male Porn Star
Since the Launch of my Mixed Wrestling site, Evolvefights, I have been inundated with emails from civilian men who want to be on the site. In the Porn Industry, we refer to Vanilla people or people who are not in porn as Civilians. While I’m flattered and happy that there is so much buzz and excitement about my site, I’m also perplexed as to how some guy off the street feels entitled to work with a professional company like mine on his very first go around at porn. To me, that’s like a kid fresh out of highschool with no school or job experience, hitting up Mark Zukerberg for a job. I guess maybe if Zuckerberg needs some PR or he might hire you but what are you honestly going to be able to offer his company. Porn is a business, like any other business. There are costs for each production. As a producer, I pay Rental fees for location, I pay a videographer, I pay a Production assistant, I pay a booking manager, I pay the talent for each scene, I have to pay for permits and supplies and costumes and makeup. Let’s say hypothetically, I hire some civilian guy off the street. He promises me that he loves the content on Evolved fights so much that he will 100% be able to maintain a boner and be able to pop. For those of you who are not familiar with porn vernacular, a “pop” is what we call “The money shot” or ” the pop shot” or the climax” in layman’s terms its when the guy nuts! It’s called the “money shot” because that’s what you guys “pay to see”. No matter what your sexual orientation is or how straight you are if you watch porn to “see the chick get fucked,” you are really watching and scrubbing through to the end until you see the guy bust a nut. Ironic I know! You thought you were there for the chick getting fucked, but there you are, getting a boner to another guy’s boner oozing jizz….It’s totally natural, don’t fight it…embrace it.
I Digress, So this Civilian I hypothetically hired makes the promise to maintain his boner and promises to be able to give me that MONEY SHOT. He shows up, he wrestles with one of the female athletes I have. He doesn’t realize it’s real wrestling and it’s competitive and my girls can really fight. He comes out hard the first 3 minutes of the fight and then uses everything he has in the first few minutes and then he’s exhausted and can barely wrestle the next few rounds. He loses. But let’s say for the sake of argument, he does win….I’d be so very very happy. We let the wrestlers clean up and get ready for sex. They take their time, relax, maybe even eat a little. Now it’s time for sex. The lights are on. I have my full crew ready with cameras going. It’s game time! It would be game-time except for one small detail, there is no boner. The fucking guy is nervous. This is his first time fucking in front of an audience ( my crew) on camera. His guy is a little shy and he swears to me “this never happens”. Now if you haven’t picked up on it yet, this scenario isn’t hypothetical. This scenario happens ALL to often on porn sets when they don’t use professional male talent and frankly even happens when they do use professional male talent. Sometimes shit happens. But when that shit happens, I lose several thousands of dollars because I have no porn to sell at the end of the day. I’ve paid the location fee ( they don’t refund me due to lack of boner), I have to still pay my crew for the time, If I flew models out, I lost the flight money, hotel money, food money, makeup money…you get where I”m going here? I’m SOL and it’s all because I put trust in this random guy on the internet who “promised” he would be able to perform. I’ve been in the industry since 2003, This isn’t a new phenomenon, it isn’t going to change, Boners are still going to be missing in shoots unless every male get’s a pump surgically implanted into his dick ( yes you can do that). What will change is how professional companies end up doing business. What has happened is that professional porn companies will not work with “nobodies”. If you don’t have a reputation, You’re not going to get work. Plain and simple.
But how am I going to get experience if NO ONE is willing to hire me.????…ahhh good question young grasshopper. I will break it down to 4 easy steps. I said easy, I didn’t say cheap.
Contrary to unpopular belief, not just anyone can shoot porn and be successful at it. The people who succeed in porn are good at business. They know when to cut their losses, they have learned when to turn people down, they engage with similar businesses. Porn is a business, just like anything else. If you are business minded and professional, you will do okay in porn. In order to get started in porn, you’re going to have to learn to invest in yourself. You can’t very well expect Professional porn companies to take the risk in hiring a nobody so you need to be the Somebody they want to hire. To turn into this somebody, you will need to start doing some work. Broken down in easy to read steps, here goes:
Shoot your own content
This is exactly what it sounds like. Get your business license, your permits ( look up the laws in your area about shoot) If you need resources to help you research some of this stuff is extremely helpful. You will be able to find attorneys who specialize in Adult so that you can keep compliant with laws. Make sure what you are shooting in Legal ( contact an attorney if you are unsure if it is illegal or not.) Make sure you learn about 2257 compliance and how to check ID’s. These things are extremely important. Failure to comply with your local laws and federal laws will land you into serious trouble and claiming ignorance that you “didn’t know you had to do that” or “weren’t allowed to do that” is not defensible. Once you have set yourself up as a complaint and legal business owner, you can start shooting your porn in a legal fashion. Find the niche you want to shoot. Save up the money to get a budget for the shoot. If your shoot requires models other than yourself, you should sign up as a member of the Free Speech Coalition . FSC has a lot of resources to offer as well. Read up on the code of ethics and Best Practices. Once you have built some rapport with FSC you may be able to register as a producer on their site. When you first start out, however, you need to build rapport. People need to know you are a legitimate person who’s not trying to lure women into his basement and do creepy illegal things to them. Start making some consensual homemade videos of yourself or if you have a willing and consenting partner, make videos with that person. Show the camera your penis and how well you can maintain an erection. Do not FORCE anyone ever to do anything with you simply because you are desperate to “make it” in the industry.
open a clip store
Anyone can open a clip store. The good thing about clip stores is they take care of hosting and processing for you. They do take a percentage from you but that’s the price of doing business. Edit your videos and upload them to your clips store. A simple google search of “clipstore” will give you a ton of options of companies that host adult clips for sale. Pick one, You can even upload to all of them if you wish. Build up a good stable of content. This is going to be your resume for people to look at when you go to them to hire them for videos. You will need to hire people before people hire you. People will not hire you simply because you show your dick on camera. You should have more than 20 videos on your clips store ranging from 5-20 minutes each
Hire models
Now that you have established yourself somewhat on a clip store, you may be able to begin working with other models. You can begin by searching for models who shoot content with men. Do not start emailing girls who only do webcam solo work or only do g/g work. Do your homework before you contact models. I am not a big fan of “trade content” I myself don’t do it much. I pay my models to perform for me. If you are brand new in the industry, you should probably offer to pay models as well since you’re a nobody and they can get any dick to work with, you’re not special. When you do work with the models, be respectful, pay them the rate you said you would pay them, don’t be an asshole if someone turns you down for work. Simple things that seem like common courtesy but that get lost when people get emotional about rejection or failure. I also think if you are new, you should try to hire models through agents. The agents tend to do good research about someone who is trying to hire their girl and this protects models from dangerous situations. It also helps you to build a good relationship with agents which helps your reputation in the industry. Agents may do a background check on you. This is to protect their models. If you have a questionable background, You may be be able to work with thier talent.
Build Rapport
Now that you have officially become the gentleman of porn, you treat women you work with with respect, you are professional on set, you maintain your erection and you pop when needed, you can start reaching out to agents to get representation. You will find that since you were hiring models through agents and being respectful, You will be received much better by the agents when you go to them to seek representation. Models will even start requesting you as a scene partner because you were so nice and professional. Having a good reputation is important. If you wish to not have an agent represent you, that is okay as well, but that will make it a little more difficult to be hired by major companies in the beginning until you are established more. But None of this is really going to get you anywhere unless you have a decent sized dick that can maintain a boner and can pop on command. I’m not trying to discourage you, but as a producer, I can’t shoot tiny dicks. I can’t see any of the penetration, it looks dumb….there’s a reason why every guy in porn has a huge dick.
This is how a nobody guy gets into porn unless he’s dating a porn star. If by chance, you are dating a porn star chances are she’s already asked you to be in videos with her and you are already making porn. But this post isn’t for those special guys. This is for the hundreds of guys who have sworn they would be amazing at porn and want to do it. I want you to live your dream, this is how you do it. It’s not my obligation to put faith and risk money and time on you just because you like my website. The only shortcut is if you have a girlfriend who’s in porn. If you do not have a girlfriend in porn, tuff tittie. If you are not willing to put in the work or make the sacrifices with your time and money well shit……you’re expecting a producer to risk the time, money and effort for YOU????? nope, Workers turn into JERKERS! You put the work in and you’ll be jerking that jizz all over everyone’s face.